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Image Listing

000001.gif Empire Strikes Back movie poster with small Yoda pic
000002.gif R2D2 looking through window of Yoda's hut
000003.gif Luke sitting on the ground, Yoda looking up
000004.gif Return of the Jedi movie box
000005.gif Yoda in a snow globe
000006.gif Spider-Yoda (Yoda in a Spider-Man Suit)
000007.gif Cover of Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #5
000008.jpg Picture of the ghosts of Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Anakin
000009.gif View of right side of Yoda's head
000010.gif Yoda standing on a branch
000011.gif Yoda's last moments
000012.gif Yoda looking at you
000013.gif Yoda on Luke's back
000014.gif Yoda sitting on a log
000015.gif Yoda looking to the side
000016.gif Yoda looking up
000017.gif Red-brown Yoda
000018.gif Yoda thinking about something
000019.gif Yoda sitting at a desk (illustration)
000020.jpg Yoda concentraiting on lifting the X-Wing
000021.gif Yoda with lightning bolts coming out of his hands (illustration)
000022.gif Yoda replica
000023.gif Yoda looking at you
000024.gif Another Yoda replica
000025.gif Yoda standing on a table

Click here for thumbnails of images 000001-000025.

000026.gif A picture of a Yoda mask
000027.gif Yoda under a bright light
000028.jpg A close-up of the face of the Yoda puppet used in the movies
000029.gif Yoda standing on Dagobah
000030.gif Luke, R2D2, and Yoda's back
000031.gif Yoda holding a feather pen
000032.gif Yoda cooking Rootleaf
000033.gif Yoda on Luke's back again
000034.gif Yoda ghost behind Luke with Lightsaber (cool for a background)
000035.gif Vine with pictures of Yoda and Frank Oz (his puppeteer)
000036.gif Empire Strikes Back trading card
000037.gif Yoda in a Santa outfit
000038.gif A picture of the 1995 Yoda action figure in the package
000039.jpg A picture of a Yoda puppet used in the movies
000040.jpg A picture of the new Yoda toy out of the package
000041.jpg Yoda standing there
000042.gif Waist up picture of Yoda
000043.gif Yoda's head while he is lifting Luke's X-Wing
000044.jpg Black and White picture of Yoda
000045.jpg Drawing of Luke's first departure from Dagobah
000046.jpg Yoda's head
000047.jpg Luke levitating a rock, Yoda in the background (illustration)
000048.jpg The new Yoda toy on a base
000049.jpg Yoda while lifting Luke's X-Wing
000050.jpg Yoda on Dagobah (illustration)

Click here for thumbnails of images 000026-000050.

000051.gif Star Wars CCG Card: Yoda
000052.gif Yoda playing the guitar
000053.jpg Star Wars Galaxy card with a bunch of Yoda's worshiping a Yoda shrine
000054.gif Simple Yoda illustration
000055.jpg Waist up picture of Yoda
000056.gif A rotating computer animated Yoda head
000057.gif An animated .gif of Yoda opening and closing his eyes (illustration)
000058.gif A basic Yoda picture (illustration)
000059.jpg A picture of a Borg (from Star Trek) Yoda
000060.jpg If only Yoda was alive today.....
000061.jpg A picture of the Yoda on the cover of a Mad Magazine
000062.jpg A young Yoda ready to attack
000063.jpg A larger pic of the ghosts of Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Yoda
000064.jpg A picture of the box for Lucas Art's Yoda Stories
000065.jpg Yoda and Obi Wan's ghost telling Luke to stay
000066.jpg A picture of a Yoda hologram watch
000067.gif A picture of a Yoda replica in a crib
000068.jpg A picture of a Yoda replica
000069.gif A picture of a Yoda replica in pajamas
000070.gif A close up of the aboves head
000071.jpg A pic of Yoda riding a bike
000072.gif A home-made Yoda Lego guy
000073.gif A picture of a Yoda Chrom-art
000074.jpg A picture of a Luke doll with Yoda on his back
000075.jpg A picture of a Yoda tie

Click here for thumbnails of images 000051-000075.

000076.gif A picture of a Yoda t-shirt
000077.jpg A picture of another Yoda t-shirt
000078.gif Another picture of a Luke doll with Yoda on his back
000079.gif A picture of Yoda film frames
000080.jpg A picture of different Yoda film frames
000081.jpg A picture of an unpainted Yoda puppet
000082.jpg A picture of the new green card with hologram Yoda toy
000083.gif Star Wars CCG card: Yoda, you seek Yoda
000084.jpg People working on the new Yoda for the Prequels
000085.jpg People working on Yoda's head for the Prequels
000086.jpg The Yoda bust that will be used in the Prequels
000087.jpg If only the $100 bill looked this way
000088.jpg Working on the electronic remote controled Yoda for the movies
000089.jpg A completed remote controled Yoda
000090.jpg Yoda with Frank Oz
000091.jpg A different Luke doll with Yoda on his back.
000092.jpg The different Luke doll with Yoda on his back travels outside
000093.jpg The new red package with hologram Yoda toy
000094.gif The back to the below Yoda coin
000095.gif The front to the above Yoda coin
000096.jpg A picture of the Obi-Wan and the Yoda old toy packages (without the toys)
000097.gif A picture of the Yoda life-size standup
000098.gif A Yoda pin
000099.gif A Yoda keychain
000100.gif A little Yoda with a e-mail sign

Click here for thumbnails of images 000076-000100.

000101.jpg Animal from Muppet Babies acting like Yoda
000102.jpg A large picture of the new Yoda toy out of the package without its backpack
000103.gif A great picture of the Yoda that is to be used in the Prequels
000104.jpg A picture of a pewter Yoda figurine
000105.jpg Yoda dressed up like Cupid
000106.jpg A neat illustration of Yoda with Luke
000107.jpg A picture of a plate with Yoda and Luke on it
000108.gif A picture of all the Star Wars Pez holders
000109.gif Star Wars: May the Pez be with you
000110.jpg A Yoda vase
000111.gif A rotating Yoda head with the word e-mail on it
000112.gif A Yoda body rotating all the way around
000113.gif An animated .gif of Yoda on Luke's back
000114.gif A Canadian offer for a Yoda toy
000115.gif A picture of the Canadian offer Yoda toy
000116.jpg A prototype of a Yoda puppet
000117.jpg A picture of the Empire Strikes Back Yoda toys from 1980
000118.jpg A prototype of a Yoda talking doll
000119.jpg A picture of some Hungarian bootleg Star Wars toys, including Yoda
000120.jpg A prototype of a Yoda magic 8 ball-like toy
000121.jpg An unlicensed Mardigras poster with Yoda on it
000122.jpg Darth-Yoda (Yoda with a Darth Vader helmet on)
000123.gif Page one of three of the patent for the old Yoda toy
000124.gif Page two of three of the patent for the old Yoda toy
000125.gif Page three of three of the patent for the old Yoda toy

Click here for thumbnails of images 000101-000125.

000126.jpg The old Yoda toy out of the package
000127.jpg The new Yoda toy made to look like an Episode I toy.
000128.jpg The Yoda display at 'The Magic of Myth' at the Smithsonian Institution
000129.jpg A fake Episode I poster
000130.jpg Some fake Episode I toys
000131.jpg A fake Episode I pic of Yoda with others of his species
000132.jpg A fake Episode I pic of a magical Yoda
000133.jpg A Carictature of Yoda on Dagobah
000134.jpg A fake Episode I pic of Yoda and Jabba in the forest
000135.jpg Some early drawings of Yoda
000136.jpg The Yoda pic from the 1995 Return of the Jedi video box
000137.jpg 2 different variations of the old Yoda toys still in the packages
000138.jpg An illustration by Ralf McQuarrie of Luke and Yoda outside his hut
000139.jpg An illustration by Ralf McQuarrie of Yoda training Luke
000140.jpg An illustration by Ralf McQuarrie of Yoda and Luke inside his hut
000141.jpg A crisp Yoda pic
000142.jpg A nice pic of Yoda balanced on Lukes leg
000143.jpg Yoda, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, and Obi-Wan keychains
000144.jpg Yoda holding sign: 'Will train for food'
000145.jpg Yoda on Luke's back
000146.jpg Another Yoda watch
000147.gif Yoda sitting by his backpack
000148.jpg The front, right view of Yoda's head
000149.jpg A Yoda mousepad
000150.jpg A small pic of the Yoda at the Smithsonian's head

Click here for thumbnails of images 000126-000150.

000151.jpg A larger pic of the Yoda at the Smithsonian
000152.jpg Early Yoda drawings
000153.jpg The original Yoda storyboard
000154.jpg More Yoda storyboard
000155.jpg Yoda riding on Luke's back
000156.jpg Frank Oz holding Yoda in his hut, George Lucas looks on
000157.jpg A Yoda binder
000158.jpg Yoda cooking in his hut
000159.jpg Yoda's activity book
000160.jpg Yoda pez container
000161.jpg A Yoda folder
000162.jpg A Yoda notebook
000163.jpg A Yoda stein
000164.jpg A Yoda hat
000165.jpg A Yoda bookmark
000166.jpg A Yoda mask
000167.jpg A Yoda musical figurine
000168.jpg Yoda the Jedi Master game
000169.jpg A picture of the Yoda giga-pet in box
000170.jpg Pepsi Yoda poster
000171.jpg Yoda jigsaw puzzle
000172.jpg Dixie cup box with Yoda on it
000173.jpg A small Yoda notebook
000174.jpg Yoda figurine
000175.jpg Yoda pog

Click here for thumbnails of images 000151-000175.

000176.jpg Creating the Yoda puppet
000177.gif Cartoon compairing Yoda, Ross Perot, and Bill Clinton
000178.gif Cartoon of Yoda leaving Santa's work shop
000179.gif Cartoon of Yoda commenting on a new student
000180.gif Cartoon of Yoda talking to Bill Clinton
000181.gif Two Yoda puppets, one with mask, one without
000182.gif The same puppets, full view
000183.jpg The Dagobah set
000184.jpg Large Yoda picture
000185.jpg Yoda-claus delivering presents on a rooftop
000186.jpg Yoda-claus (Santa Yoda) with lightning bolts coming from his hands lifting presents
000187.jpg Ask Yoda from the game Star Warped
000188.jpg Yoda as a baby...
000189.jpg ...he was shunned by his parents...
000190.jpg ...As a teenager...
000191.jpg ...he was a hippie...
000192.jpg ...During Star Wars...
000193.jpg ...he acted as a puppet for some income...
000194.jpg ...During his older years...
000195.jpg ...He became a motivational speaker
000196.jpg Mix Chewie's strength and Yoda's funny voice and you get... Mike Tyson
000197.jpg A picture of the Yoda Star Wars Buddie
000198.gif A diorama of a translucent Yoda appearing to a Hammerhead Jedi
000199.gif Star Wars CCG card: "A Jedi's Strength"
000200.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Away put your weapon"

Click here for thumbnails of images 000176-000200.

000201.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Awww, cannot get your ship out"
000202.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Bad Feeling have I"
000203.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Control"
000204.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Dagobah"
000205.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Dagobah: Bog Clearing"
000206.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Dagobah: Cave"
000207.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Dagobah: Jungle"
000208.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Dagobah: Swamp"
000209.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Dagobah: Training Area"
000210.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Dagobah: Yoda's Hut"
000211.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Found someone you have"
000212.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Great Warrior"
000213.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Imbalance"
000214.gif Star Wars CCG card: "It is the future you see"
000215.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Jedi Levitation"
000216.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Starship Levitation"
000217.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Voyeur"
000218.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Yoda's Gimer Stick"
000219.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Yoda's Hope"
000220.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Yoda, you seek Yoda"
000221.jpg Yoda with one open eye and one closed eye
000222.jpg Yoda by a fire
000223.jpg A Yoda cartoon drawing
000224.jpg Another Yoda cartoon drawing
000225.jpg The pic from the back of the new Yoda toy's package

Click here for thumbnails of images 000201-000225.

000226.jpg "Yoda The Jedi Master" card
000227.jpg Yoda illustration from something
000228.jpg Yoda surrounded by a bunch of Ghosts on a card
000229.jpg Yoda sitting by his backpack
000230.jpg Old Yoda toy with a special coin
000231.jpg Yoda concentrating
000232.jpg 1995 Return of the Jedi movie poster
000233.jpg 1997 Return of the Jedi movie poster
000234.jpg Another Yoda cartoon drawing
000235.jpg Yoda full body cartoon drawing
000236.jpg Yoda Stories banner
000237.jpg A cool SW collage with Yoda in it
000238.gif Another Yoda tie
000239.gif A really simple Yoda drawing
000240.gif Another Yoda t-shirt
000241.gif Some Yoda hand pipes
000242.jpg Triangular Yoda stamps
000243.jpg The Yoda toy from the 12 inch line
000244.jpg The Yoda Hallmark Keepsake Ornament box
000245.jpg An Old Return of the Jedi logo with Yoda
000246.jpg Yoda on Luke's back Applause figurine
000247.jpg Yoda button
000248.jpg Yoda ice cream stick
000249.jpg Yoda on a bad day
000250.jpg A block of 9 stamps (3 Darth, 3 Yoda, 3 Stormtrooper)

Click here for thumbnails of images 000226-000250.

000251.jpg The Empire Strikes Back block of 9 stamps
000252.jpg Yoda first day of issue stamp envelope
000253.gif The old Yoda toy
000254.jpg The Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama Poster
000255.jpg Yoda Pepsi Box side
000256.jpg Yoda Photomosaic Poster (really cool)
000257.jpg Yoda and Yaddle fake prequel toys
000258.jpg Yoda Star Wars Farts picture
000259.jpg The Yoda puppet on display
000260.jpg A big picture of Yoda on Luke's back
000261.jpg A young buff Yoda
000262.jpg July 13 calendar picture with comments
000263.jpg July 14 calendar picture with comments
000264.jpg Yoda Mug
000265.jpg Encounter with Yoda on Dagobah Model Kit
000266.jpg Longer view of #238 Yoda Tie
000267.gif Complete Galaxy Yoda Toy
000268.jpg Yoda Candy Dispenser
000269.jpg Yoda Tombola Toy
000270.jpg Yoda Die-Cast Metal Keychain
000271.gif Yoda Model
000272.jpg Coca-Cola Empire Strikes Back Poster
000273.jpg Create your own Dagabah Poster
000274.jpg Yoda Pez cartoon
000275.jpg Return of the Jedi 1995 box cover t-shirt

Click here for thumbnails of images 000251-000275.

000276.jpg July 17 calendar picture with comments
000277.gif Red Yoda, Purple Yoda, Blue Yoda, Green Yoda, Yellow Yoda, Orange Yoda
000278.jpg July 18-19 calendar picture
000279.jpg Microsoft Wars with Bill Gates as Luke
000280.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 Card 148 "The McQuarrie Portfolio"
000281.gif Yoda looking at Luke
000282.gif Yoda before his death
000283.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Card 10 "Yoda"
000284.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Card 23 "Yoda" by Joe Johnston
000285.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Card 32 "Yoda as Gremlin"
000286.jpg Cartoon comparing the old and new Yoda toys
000287.jpg July 20 calendar picture
000288.jpg Yoda Bend-ums toy in the package
000289.jpg A blue headed prototype of the new Yoda toy
000290.jpg The old Yoda toy out of the package with no accessories
000291.jpg July 21 calendar picture with comments
000292.jpg "Congratulations Titanic" picture with Yoda floating on the Death Star
000293.jpg Yoda on Luke's back
000294.jpg Yoda Claus (or Santa Yoda) with beard
000295.jpg July 24 calendar picture with comments
000296.gif Yoda / Dagobah transforming head playset
000297.gif Yoda with lightning bolts coming from his hands and a shovel in his hand
000298.jpg Original artist's drawing from coloring book
000299.jpg The old Yoda toy in an Italian package
000300.jpg Yoda keychain

Click here for thumbnails of images 000276-000300.

000301.jpg Yoda mug
000302.jpg "The Wisdom of Yoda" poster
000303.jpg Cover of Star Wars Memobook
000304.jpg Yoda (molded rubber with nylon hair) puppet with Taun-taun toys
000305.jpg Yoda giga-pet
000306.jpg Lifesize Yoda Replica
000307.jpg Side View of Yoda Replica
000308.jpg Logo from Yoda Stories when you start the game
000309.jpg The National Book Award for Poetry winner with Yoda at the Smithsonian Exibit
000310.gif Yoda costume
000311.gif Adult Yoda costume
000312.gif Star Wars Bookmark
000313.gif Yoda wall plaque
000314.jpg July 30 calendar picture with comments
000315.jpg July 31 calendar picture with comments
000316.jpg Yoda background
000317.jpg Good vs. Evil (Yoda vs. Emperor) background
000318.jpg Star Wars Tie with lots of characters on it
000319.jpg Yoda tie
000320.jpg If Star Wars characters were dogs....
000321.jpg Yoda with a glow around him
000322.jpg The old Yoda toy out of the package with accessories
000323.jpg Mad Magazine Star Wars Cover
000324.jpg Mad Magazine Yoda Cover
000325.jpg Old Yoda toy out of the package, with no accessories

Click here for thumbnails of images 000301-000325.

000326.jpg Yoda Chalk Drawing by Richard Ennis
000327.jpg New Yoda toy's Italian packaging
000328.gif Yoda's aging head in 3D models
000329.gif Oddly colored Yoda
000330.jpg Yoda hologram charm
000331.jpg Yoda: The Jedi Master Game out of the box
000332.jpg Place mat with Luke and Yoda on it
000333.jpg Another Yoda pin
000334.jpg Yoda puppet
000335.jpg The Yoda Star Wars Buddie
000336.jpg Yoda's head as a Mug
000337.jpg Yoda in red
000338.jpg Yoda by a fireplace
000339.jpg Yoda drawing by Timothy Wilson
000340.jpg Yoda looking into a flashlight
000341.jpg Yoda beating R2-D2 with his Gimmer stick
000342.jpg Topps Widevision Promo Card with the ghosts of Yoda, Obi-Wan and Anakin
000343.jpg Yoda on Dagobah
000344.jpg Luke about to shoot Yoda
000345.jpg Yoda's about to die
000346.jpg Luke draws his gun on Yoda
000347.jpg Yoda with a funny look on his face
000348.jpg This is Yoda with a funnier look on his face
000349.jpg A full body picture of the Yoda on display at the Smithsonian Museum
000350.jpg Yoda on the other side of the fireplace

Click here for thumbnails of images 000326-000350.

000351.jpg Yoda's still by the fireplace
000352.jpg Yoda has yet another funny look on his face
000353.jpg Yoda is eating Luke's food
000354.jpg Yoda under the light
000355.jpg A pouty-faced Yoda
000356.jpg "I am wondering, why are you here?"
000357.jpg Yoda getting comfortable in his bed
000358.jpg Luke comes in closer to hear Yoda's words of wisdom
000359.jpg Yoda decided to be a bunny for halloween
000360.jpg The Yoda biography from the Essential Guide to Characters
000361.jpg Yoda's lonely on Dagobah
000362.jpg An article on the Yoda photomosaic
000363.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Series 1 Card 120
000364.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 Card 310
000365.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 Card 332
000366.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 Card 335
000367.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 Card 340
000368.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 Card 350
000369.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 Card 359
000370.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 Card 360
000371.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 Chase Card 5
000372.jpg Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 Chase Card 18
000373.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Red Border Card 9
000374.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Red Border Card 57
000375.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Red Border Card 58

Click here for thumbnails of images 000351-000375.

000376.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Red Border Card 59
000377.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Red Border Card 60
000378.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Red Border Card 61
000379.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Red Border Card 62
000380.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Red Border Card 63
000381.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Red Border Card 70
000382.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Red Border Card 72
000383.gif Star Wars CCG card: "He is not ready"
000384.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Knowledge and Defense"
000385.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Much Anger in him"
000386.gif Star Wars CCG card: "Quick Draw"
000387.jpg Cover of the comic book adaptation of Return of the Jedi (1995)
000388.jpg Star Wars CCG Dagobah Expansion Set Package
000389.jpg A poster advertising the Art of Star Wars
000390.jpg Empire Strikes Back movie box
000391.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 184
000392.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 235
000393.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 237
000394.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 241
000395.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 242
000396.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 244
000397.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 281
000398.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 304
000399.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 308
000400.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 330

Click here for thumbnails of images 000376-000400.

000401.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 331
000402.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 332
000403.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 339
000404.jpg The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Card 343
000405.jpg The Empire Strikes Back Widevision Card 54
000406.jpg The Empire Strikes Back Widevision Card 55
000407.jpg The Empire Strikes Back Widevision Card 60
000408.jpg The Empire Strikes Back Widevision Card 67
000409.jpg The Empire Strikes Back Widevision Card 91
000410.jpg The Empire Strikes Back Widevision Card 92
000411.jpg ToyFare Action Figure Magazine Comic with Luke, Yoda, and transparent Obi-Wan figures
000412.jpg Luke levitates boxes, Yoda looks on
000413.jpg Luke talking to Yoda
000414.jpg Luke about to leave Dagobah the first time
000415.jpg Yoda and Luke having a stare-down
000416.jpg Topps Movie Vision Card 7: Yoda by Campbell and Garner
000417.jpg Topps Movie Vision Card 12: Yoda by Hildebrandt
000418.jpg Topps Movie Vision Card 36: Yoda by Whelan
000419.jpg Return of the Jedi Widevision Card 54
000420.jpg Return of the Jedi Widevision Card 55
000421.jpg Return of the Jedi Widevision Card 143
000422.jpg A cool painting with cartoon characters as Star Wars Characters
000423.jpg Trilogy Widevision Card 34
000424.jpg Trilogy Widevision Card 36
000425.jpg Trilogy Widevision Card 38

Click here for thumbnails of images 000401-000425.

000426.jpg Trilogy Widevision Card 58
000427.jpg Trilogy Widevision Card 72
000428.jpg Tsuneo Sanda 20th Anniversary Poster
000429.jpg Yoda getting settled into his bed
000430.jpg Yoda and Luke in his hut
000431.jpg Yoda's hut
000432.jpg New Yoda figure: Yoda with Atari (this is fake, don't believe this)
000433.jpg Every Star Wars character as a South Park Character
000434.jpg South Park Yoda and R2-D2 fighting over the flashlight
000435.jpg After continuous losing at arcade game, Yoda starts to get mad
000436.jpg Yoda gets angry with Luke for trying to be a skier
000437.jpg The newest Yoda toy with boiling pot and real hair (official toy)
000438.jpg The Empire Strikes Back Read along book
000439.jpg Yoda Keepsake Ornament Box
000440.jpg Yoda hand puppet / retail store display
000441.jpg Yoda Taco Bell / Pizza Hut toy for kids of all ages
000442.jpg Yoda night light
000443.jpg Yoda pez in a bag (not carded version)
000444.jpg Yoda Taco Bell / Pizza Hut toy with Bend-ums Luke and a R2D2 toy
000445.jpg Yoda photograph from The Empire Strikes Back
000446.jpg Yoda 2 inch Applause toy
000447.jpg A cartoon with Yoda as Alan Greenspan "Return of the Jaded"
000448.jpg Yoda poster "Read and the Force is with you"
000449.jpg Yoda on Luke's back Applause Figure (with Chewie and C3PO, Luke Stormtrooper, and Darth Vader)
000450.gif An animated .gif of Yoda doing the Macarena

Click here for thumbnails of images 000426-000450.

000451.gif Yoda shooting lightning bolts out of his hand supports Pepsi
000452.gif Yoda soap
000453.jpg Yoda on Luke's back Applause Figurine
000454.jpg Yoda Keepsake ornament by it's box
000455.jpg Yoda belt buckle and Pez dispenser
000456.jpg Yoda Hand Puppet
000457.jpg Yoda Pin
000458.jpg Yoda magic 8 ball figurine
000459.jpg Yoda head mug
000460.jpg Yoda mouse pad
000461.jpg Original Ben Cooper Yoda mask
000462.jpg Yoda bend-ums figure by JusToys with Star Wars Galaxy Card
000463.jpg Encounter with Yoda on Dagobah Model Box
000464.jpg Yoda boy scout patch (fundraiser patch, not original given to jubilee participants)
000465.jpg Yoda the Jedi Master board game opened (shows different parts than #331)
000466.jpg A glow in the dark Yoda corkboard
000467.jpg An advertisement for Feel The Force at Taco Bell
000468.jpg A Yoda costume
000469.gif Working on the Dagobah set
000470.gif Yoda die cast necklace and velcro wallet
000471.gif A Yoda Limoges Box
000472.jpg Encounter with Yoda on Dagobah unpainted close-up
000473.jpg Encounter with Yoda on Dagobah box
000474.jpg Encounter with Yoda on Dagobah model kit and instructions
000475.jpg The Yoda side of the Yoda / Darth Vader magic cube Taco Bell Toy

Click here for thumbnails of images 000451-000475.

000476.jpg Frank Oz's signature with a photo of Yoda
000477.jpg A light-up Yoda lamp
000478.jpg Return of the Jedi buttons
000479.jpg Topps Empire Strikes Back Widevision Foil Card C5 with Luke and Yoda
000480.jpg Yoda lunchbox and thermos
000481.jpg Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 1 Foil-Etched prism #5 with Obi-Wan and Yoda
000482.jpg Star Wars bend-ums boxes from the US and Italy
000483.jpg Yoda and Gammorean Guard Soap Bars out of the packages
000484.jpg January 1981 Life Magazine - The Year in pictures with Yoda on the cover
000485.jpg Yoda 3-D night light
000486.jpg Sigma Yoda mug with Luke and his X-Wing on the back
000487.jpg Nickelodeon Magazine cover with small Yoda picture
000488.jpg Burger King / Coca-Cola glass with Yoda and Luke
000489.jpg Box of candy heads - Consists of Yoda, Chewie, Darth, and C3PO
000490.jpg Empire Strikes Bakc vinyl case with Yoda on it
000491.jpg Micro Machines Battle Pack 1
000492.jpg A ceramic Yoda mug
000493.jpg Star Wars tie with many characters on it
000494.jpg Yoda blanket
000495.jpg Yoda and R2-D2 bookmarks
000496.jpg Yoda shampoo bottle by Omni Costmetics
000497.jpg Yoda lamp
000498.jpg Yoda for President Button
000499.jpg Space Fantasies coins from the 1987 Mardi-Gras
000500.jpg Yoda and Jabba the Hutt ceramic statues

Click here for thumbnails of images 000476-000500.

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